Visit of the TV3 channel at the implementation zone of the Besòs basin

28th of January 2022 With the communication done for the otters refuges at Congost river, the Maresme-Vallès Oriental delegation team of TV3 came to visit us last January to spread the LIFE ALNUS project all around Catalonia. During the recording we presented different implementation spots and actions done while trying to elaborate thoughts on fluvial […]

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Fauna refuges constructions

17th of January 2022 With a small portion of wood rests from C2 action cuts of alien species at Vallfornes river in Cànoves we’ve built fauna refuges, specifically for otters, in different spots in Congost river. The emplacement of such refuges have been codesigned together with the Besòs Consortium, Rivus Foundation, and with the Conservation […]

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Start of the works at Gambires and Sorral islands in Masies de Voltregà

3rd of January 2021 One of the biggest demonstration projects of the LIFE ALNUS project has started to move towards its execution. After months and years working on a technically complex and highly innovative proposal, at least in our country, the project reaches the decisive moment of its execution. The Catalan Water Agency (ACA) has […]

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Re-mark of dead wood in Ter river

13th of October 2021 Regarding the monitoring activities of our “Dead wood displacement protocol in river areas in Mediterranean basins”, we keep on with the re-marking of wood rests which will be used as a monitoring tool. These rests, at long-term, will offer us nature-based solutions from an innovative perspective. Large dead wood rests have […]

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The Life Alnus Project, host of the Platform Meeting on Connectivity

The Life Alnus project, coordinated by CTFC, hosted the Platform Meeting on Connectivity (Lessons from LIFE on ecological connectivity towards a coherent, functional and resilient network of protected areas), organized by the European funding instrument LIFE Program. More than 80 LIFE projects have participated in a conference on the future of European connectivity, organized by […]

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The plantations in the Besòs basin have started

On November 18, the plantations began in the Besòs basin, with the collaboration of the municipalities of Bigues i Riells, Santa Eulàlia de Ronçana and Granolllers. The aim is to improve the structure, composition and ecological quality of the riparian forests, recovering and reintroducing the habitat in unstructured river stretches. It should be noted that […]

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New invasive species has been detected in the basin

As part of the botanical monitoring of the LIFE ALNUS project in the Besòs river basin, a new invasive species (still not documented) has been detected in the basin, the xia (Salvia hispanica). “People buy the seeds, which are eaten raw in salads. When they wash the dishes, all those seeds that have not been […]

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“Com tenim els boscos de ribera a Catalunya” conference

Last November 27th, the conference “Com tenim els boscos de ribera a Catalunya” (“How do we have riparian forests in Catalonia”) was held by Dr. Jordi Camprodon. You can watch the conference at the following Youtube link:

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New Life Alnus educational material

The Life Alnus new educational material is now available. It permits to discover the forest of the river through creative and practical activities, grouped in a youth magazine format.

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