16 04
Treatment of the remains resulting of the October’s flood in Ter
The actions of the remains tratment resulting of the flood which took place in Ter’s river, have already been done.
16 04
The actions of the remains tratment resulting of the flood which took place in Ter’s river, have already been done.
27 07
First meeting to plan the actions that will be done considering the C3 action. 4 demonstrative and experimental projects in the 3 catalan basins will be applied.
27 07
To understand the alder groves conservation state, a mathematical model of ecological potential and a cartography of the distribution of the alders will be carried out at the scale of Catalonia. These cartographic analysis will allow assessing the current coservation state.
13 04
Life Alnus is a pioneering and demonstration project on a European scale that will implement pilot conservation strategies in three river zones: Segre, Ter and Besós.